2020 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) The RCE Awards celebrate...
Second lockdown observations: COVID-19 donor fatigue kicks in, but Malaysia’s volunteers persevere
November has arrived, and the seemingly longest year ever is finally approaching its end. In the malls, the mannequins...
Bank Islam telah memberi sumbangan menerusi platform pendanaan awam Sadaqa House Bank Islam kepada Mercy Mission Malaysia
Terdahulu, Bank Islam telah memberi sumbangan berjumlah RM240,000 menerusi platform pendanaan awam Sadaqa House Bank...
Auto2u Charity Drive berjaya menghimpunkan 11 penaja seperti Euromobil, Cycle & Carriage Bintang, Hap Seng Star,...
Bantu mereka yang memerlukan dalam kempen ‘Garden of Eids Grocery Run Giveaway’
Dua buah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), Garden of Eid (GOE) dan Charity Right Malaysia bekerjasama dalam membantu...
COVID-19: Charities, Donations And Funds To Help Frontliners And Vulnerable Communities In Malaysia
Help out by staying at home Of course, the first and most important step in helping is to do your part by staying at...
Learning from the community
PERLIS seems to thrive on the tagline “small is beautiful” popularised by a book with the same title. The state has...
“Our Actions Are Our Future”: 4 Malaysian NGOs Alleviating Hunger and Poverty
World Food Day celebrated annually on October 16th is a “day of action dedicated to tackling global hunger”...
Kerjasama pendidikan, isu isu wanita Mercy Mission Malaysia
PUTRAJAYA – Mercy Mission Malaysia, sebuah organisasi bebas yang mengangkat agenda pendidikan dan kebajikan berminat...
The Business Station – Podcast Live & Learn: Feed To Educate
Charity Right is an international NGO that distributes food to disadvantaged schoolchildren and communities. In 2012,...
10 Places You Can Volunteer in KL Other Than SPCA and PAWS
Growing up, plenty of values were instilled into our minds of being grateful and giving back to our community. Whether...
不要孩子饥饿失学,Charity Right提供贫童膳食
(八打灵再也15日讯)“我们的愿景是创建 一个孩童不会因为饥饿而无法上学的世界。 我们的扶贫策略是结合食物和教育,即通过 派发食物鼓励他们接受教育。” Read full article:...
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